Hi, Carri here - thank you for checking out my blog website. As mentioned on the home page, Union with Him was created out of a desire to share my life experiences with the hope that it would encourage someone along the way. I was born and raised in Denver, NC which is a small-town northwest of Charlotte. Being raised in the Methodist Church, I developed a love for the Scriptures early on and have carried that love with me through every season of life. It wasn’t until I attended Pfeiffer University, pursuing my master’s degree in Practical Theology, that I learned about the life and ministry of Methodism’s founder John Wesley. God has strategically placed people in my path that have encouraged that love of Scripture - bringing me to this moment where I share that same hope and love with you all.  It was in the struggling and the wrestling through the pain and trauma of life that brought such an intimacy with Jesus that I would not trade for anything.  It truly made Jesus take on flesh and become alive to me (John 1:14).

John Wesley had “Rules of Life” that governed his life, so I close with my “Rules of Life”

Stay the Course

Take the Charge

Guard the trust

Endure with Hope

Remain Vigilant in Prayer

Either on this (shield of faith) or with this…